Water Sanitizer



clock May 20, 2020 16:41 by author admin
The most general layout comprises two electrodes, operating as anode and cathode, connected to a power source. When an energy input and sufficient supporting electrolyte are provided to the system, strong oxidizing species are formed, which interact with the contaminants and degrade them. The refractory compounds are thus converted into reaction intermediates and, ultimately, into water and CO2 by complete mineralization [More]

Tiaano Waste Water Treatment by Electrolytic Method

clock May 19, 2020 18:06 by author admin
Electro-oxidation (EO), also known as anodic oxidation, is a technique used for wastewater treatment, mainly for industrial effluents, and is a type of advanced oxidation process (AOP [More]


clock May 18, 2020 17:21 by author admin
Electro-oxidation (EO), also known as anodic oxidation, is a technique used for wastewater treatment, mainly for industrial effluents, and is a type of advanced oxidation process (AOP).[1] The most general layout comprises two electrodes, operating as anode and cathode, connected to a power source. When an energy input and sufficient supporting electrolyte are provided to the system, strong oxidizing species are formed, which interact with the contaminants and degrade them. The refractory compounds are thus converted into reaction intermediates and, ultimately, into water and CO2 by complete mineralization [More]

Tiaano e-ETP/e-STP Waste Water Treatment Plant

clock May 15, 2020 16:07 by author admin
Engineers derived a statistic analysis using The Electrolytic design for surface response analysis using electrochemical sedimentation. Having considered current density, pH, and electrolysis design, the authors were capable of studying the effects of COD, turbidity, TS removal, and sludge settling with aluminum electrodes, Ferrous Electrodes, Titanium electrodes, etc. [More]

Tiaano ETP/STP Waste Water Treatment Plant

clock May 9, 2020 19:13 by author admin
Electro coagulation-electro floatation (ECF) technology is a treatment process of applying electrical current to treat and flocculate contaminants without having to add coagulations. It occurs with the current being applied, capable of removing small particles since direct current applied, setting them into motion. Also electro coagulation could reduce residue for waste production. [More]

Tiaano Appraisal Kit for Effluent Treatment Plant

clock May 8, 2020 19:02 by author admin
Tiaano Appraisal Test Kit used to confirm the possibility of Treatment. The sample's reduction on BOD & COD is pre test and confirming to proceed for lab test. [More]

Tiaano e-ETP/e-STP Waste Water Treatment Plant

clock May 6, 2020 21:30 by author admin
When this happens, the particulates are neutralized by the formation of hydroxide complexes for the purpose of forming agglomerates. These agglomerates begin to form at the bottom of the tank and can be siphen out through filtration [More]


clock May 2, 2020 17:39 by author admin
During Flocculation, the particulates are neutralized by the formation of hydroxide complexes for the purpose of forming agglomerates. These agglomerates begin to form at the bottom of the tank and can be siphen out through filtration. However, when one considers an electro coagulation-flotation apparatus, the particulates would instead float to the top of the tank by means of formed hydrogen bubbles that are created from the anode. The floated particulates can be skimmed from the top of the tank [More]


clock April 25, 2020 18:01 by author admin
The effluent treatment plant is designed to treat the effluent coming from different areas of the plant. The treatment of different effluents of Textile Industry, Coffee Industries, Glass Industries, Paint Industries, etc. [More]

Waste Water Treatment by Electrolytic Method

clock April 21, 2020 20:20 by author admin
The particulates are neutralized by the formation of hydroxide complexes for the purpose of forming agglomerates. These agglomerates begin to form at the bottom of the tank and can be syphen out through filtration. However, when one considers an electro coagulation-flotation apparatus, the particulates would instead float to the top of the tank by means of formed hydrogen bubbles that are created from the anode. The floated particulates can be skimmed from the top of the tank. [More]

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