August 1, 2020 13:44 by
Tiaano’s e-ETP (Electrolytic Effluent Treatment Plant ) System.
The electro-oxidation of small organic molecules through the application of in-situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS). The in-situ FTIRS technique was used for characterizing diverse electrochemical systems involving faradaic and non-faradaic processes. Carbon monoxide (CO) is considered to be a poison for alcohol oxidation. When alcohols having more than one carbon atom are oxidized, the presence of CO indicates that the catalyst is able to produce the scission of a C–C bond. At the same time this is also a desirable property for an electrode material. Carbon monoxide electro-oxidation at platinum electrodes depends on the adsorption potential. The presence of CO helps in H-bonding association and ice formation at Pt surfaces. Under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions, water is absorbed via the oxygen atom; whereas at the electrochemical interface, the orientation of water depends on the potential. The examples discussed in this chapter show both the potential and limitations of in-situ FTIRS for studying complex electrode processes.
The attached image is self explanatory.