July 31, 2020 19:05 by
Electrocoagulation-flotation is an alternative method to classic chemical coagulation for many reasons. ECF is capable of reducing the need for chemicals due to the fact that the electrodes provide the coagulant. However, many individuals still use chemical coagulants to attempt to enhance treatment. Traditionally, chemical coagulation involves the use of alum (aluminum sulfate), ferric chloride (FeCl3), or ferrous sulfate (Fe2SO4) which can be very expensive depending on the volume of water treated. When applying the coagulant, the coagulant performs a similar function as the electrodes, neutralizing the charge of the particulates, thereby allow them to agglomerate and settle at the bottom of the tank. In addition, electrocoagulation-flotation is capable of reducing waste production from wastewater treatment and also reduces the time necessary for treatment.

July 30, 2020 20:42 by
Electrolyitc Effluent Treatment Plant and Electrolytic Sewage Treatment Plant systems make all the industries to enhance its category to Zero Liquid Discharge. Plant

July 28, 2020 19:41 by
There is a description of our work in the treatment of wastewater using an ozonation-electrooxidation combined process. The main parameters to control for having a successful application of such method are discussed. Several examples for different kinds of polluted water are addressed.

July 27, 2020 21:05 by
Our aim is to adopt technologies giving minimum or zero environmental pollution. Effluents treatment plants are the most widely accepted approaches towards achieving environmental safety. But, unfortunately, no single treatment methodology is suitable or universally adoptable for any kind of effluent treatment. For instance, in the past, biological treatment systems had been used extensively but they are not efficient for the colour removal of the more resistant dyes [2]. Therefore, the treatment of waste stream is done by various methods, which include physical, chemical and biological treatment depending on pollution load. The treatment processes may be categorized into preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment process

July 25, 2020 16:53 by
This category of waste includes those that are persistent, resist treatment, or interfere with the operation of waste treatment facilities. Non-biodegradable organic or inorganic materials are the chief sources of wastes, which contain colour, metals, phenols, certain surfactants, toxic organic compounds, pesticides and phosphates. The chief sources are:
Colour & metal dyeing operation
Phosphates preparatory processes and dyeing
Non-biodegradable organic materials surfactants
Since these types of textile wastes are difficult to treat, the identification and elimination of their sources are the best possible ways to tackle the problem. Some of the methods of prevention are chemical or process substitution, process control and optimization, recycle/reuse and better work practices.

July 25, 2020 16:53 by
This category of waste includes those that are persistent, resist treatment, or interfere with the operation of waste treatment facilities. Non-biodegradable organic or inorganic materials are the chief sources of wastes, which contain colour, metals, phenols, certain surfactants, toxic organic compounds, pesticides and phosphates. The chief sources are:
Colour & metal dyeing operation
Phosphates preparatory processes and dyeing
Non-biodegradable organic materials surfactants
Since these types of textile wastes are difficult to treat, the identification and elimination of their sources are the best possible ways to tackle the problem. Some of the methods of prevention are chemical or process substitution, process control and optimization, recycle/reuse and better work practices.

July 21, 2020 20:37 by
Traditional wastewater treatments involve the addition of chemicals or the use of microorganisms to treat polluted water. However, in both processes, there is always a residue known as sludge. The sludge management and final disposal could represent up to 50% of the total wastewater treatment plant cost. Therefore, novel ways to deal with this issue should be developed. In this way, the use of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), in which the HO• radical production is favored, could represent an interesting option for treat wastewater with less or without sludge production.

July 15, 2020 19:54 by
wastewater treatment; electrocoagulation; electrooxidation; combined ... or by flotation based on the formation of hydrogen gas at the cathode as. per unit volume of treated wastewater is reduced

July 13, 2020 19:09 by
Large volumes of waste water with numerous pollutants are discharged. Since these streams of water affect the aquatic eco-system in number of ways such as depleting the dissolved oxygen content or settlement of suspended substances in anaerobic condition, a special attention needs to be paid. Thus a study on different measures which can be adopted to treat the waste water discharged from textile chemical processing industries to protect and safeguard our surroundings from possible pollution problem has been the focus point of many recent investigations. This communication highlights such studies carried out in the area of textile effluent treatment.

July 9, 2020 19:36 by
The final goal of AOPS is the complete degradation of the pollutants present in wastewater, aiming its final mineralization, yielding as final products: carbon dioxide, water and inorganic compounds. These methodologies solve the problem of the final disposal of sludge; because when they are well developed, there is no production of sludge. Obviously, not always is possible the complete mineralization of contaminates. Nevertheless, most of the times, the final products of the destruction of contaminants are harmless compared to the original ones.