Water Sanitizer


Tiaano Waste Water Treatment by Electrolytic Method

clock May 7, 2020 20:00 by author admin
electrocoagulation batch reaction design for surface response analysis using electrochemical sedimentation. Having considered current density, pH, and electrolysis design, the authors were capable of studying the effects of COD, turbidity, TS removal, and sludge settling with aluminum electrodes [More]

Tiaano's e-STP System with Electrolytic Concept

clock May 5, 2020 19:14 by author admin
The use of a Central Composite Design for the optimization. Arslen-Alton et al. concluded that the central composite design was used to optimize CI Acid Blue 193 treatment by electrocoagulation. The central composite design is capable of achieving maximum color, COD, TOC, by manipulating the COD, pH, electrical current density, and treatment time by means of a response surface quadratic model [9]. Cora and Hung were able to remove metallic ions between 90 and 99% after 30 minutes of treatment using an electrocoagulation/electrofiltration with a pH of 9.5 and cadmium chloride for the metallic ions [10]. [More]


clock May 2, 2020 17:39 by author admin
During Flocculation, the particulates are neutralized by the formation of hydroxide complexes for the purpose of forming agglomerates. These agglomerates begin to form at the bottom of the tank and can be siphen out through filtration. However, when one considers an electro coagulation-flotation apparatus, the particulates would instead float to the top of the tank by means of formed hydrogen bubbles that are created from the anode. The floated particulates can be skimmed from the top of the tank [More]

Waste Water Treatment by Tiaano's e-ETP/e-STP

clock May 1, 2020 19:13 by author admin
Electro coagulation-electro floatation (ECF) technology is a treatment process of applying electrical current to treat and flocculate contaminants without having to add coagulations. It occurs with the current being applied, capable of removing small particles since direct current applied, setting them into motion. Also electro coagulation could reduce residue for waste production. [More]


clock April 29, 2020 20:39 by author admin
Electrocoagulation consists of pairs of metal sheets called electrodes, that are arranged in pairs of twoanodes and cathodes. Using the principles of electrochemistry, the cathode is oxidized (loses electrons), while the water is reduced (gains electrons), thereby making the wastewater better treated. When the cathode electrode makes contact with the wastewater, the metal is emitted into the apparatus and settling in the bottom of the reactor. [More]


clock April 28, 2020 16:20 by author admin
Electrocoagulation-electroflotation (ECF) technology is a treatment process of applying electrical current to treat and flocculate contaminants without having to add coagulations. Shammas et al. stated that coagulation occurs with the current being applied, capable of removing small particles since direct current applied, setting them into motion. Also electrocoagulation could reduce residue for waste production [More]


clock April 27, 2020 17:53 by author admin
Electro coagulation-electro floatation (ECF) technology is a treatment process of applying electrical current to treat and flocculate contaminants without having to add coagulations. It occurs with the current being applied, capable of removing small particles since direct current applied, setting them into motion. Also electro coagulation could reduce residue for waste production. [More]


clock April 25, 2020 18:01 by author admin
The effluent treatment plant is designed to treat the effluent coming from different areas of the plant. The treatment of different effluents of Textile Industry, Coffee Industries, Glass Industries, Paint Industries, etc. [More]

Waste Water Management by Electrolytic Method

clock April 24, 2020 17:59 by author admin
Research developments in environmental electrochemistry and their potential to contribute to a cleaner environment are reviewed here for wastewater treatment applications. Most environmental pollutants can be successfully eliminated or converted to non-toxic materials by one or more processes, including electrochemical oxidation, electrochemical reduction, electrocoagulation and electrocoagulation/flotation, electrodialysis, and electrochemical advanced oxidation processes. Specific examples of applications for pollutant removal and reclamation of wastewater are given for the different processes, along with research needs and improvements for commercial application of these electrochemical processes. [More]

Waste Water Treatment by Electrolytic Method, Electro

clock April 23, 2020 11:49 by author admin
In case of wastewater, the various pollutants become electrolytes and lower the electrical resistance in water. The electrolytes disassociate into cations, which move to the cathode, and anions, which travel to the anode, thus allowing continuous electrical flow in the water. An anion from the electrolyte will lose an electron and be oxidized when the electrolyte anion has less standard electrode potential than the hydroxide. A cation with a greater standard electrode potential than the hydrogen ion will also be reduced [More]

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