The process works on the principle of Electro Coagulation (EC), Floatation, Electro Oxidation (EO), Filtration andChlorination. In Electro Coagulation Reactor (ECR) the charged ions on contacting numerous pollutants likesuspended solids, bacteria, organics, serious metals etc. are neutralize, coagulate, flocculate and settled in thesettling tank.Further coagulated water, feed into the Electro Oxidation Reactor (EOR) through the Bag Filter. Thereby thesludge is removed 22 gm our of 1000 Litres of Sewage. So the precipitated & filtered water is passes in to ElectroOxidation Reactor (EOR).In the EOR, by generation of HOCL (Hypo Chlorous Acid), Chlorination, few Ozone, etc. and removes colourand odour.  Following which the oxidized water is collected in the treated water tank after filtration by mediafilter and activated carbon filter. This treated water shall be utilized for gardening directly Orelse the same shall be used for vessel cleaning, floorcleaning, toilet flush, etc. after chlorination.  Hence our Tiaano’s e-ETP/s-STP make any industry take into the category of ZERO LIQUID DISCHARGE (ZLD).The attached image is self-explanatory.
