#48, Noothanchary, Madambakkam, Chennai - 600 073, India Phone: +91 44 22781148 Fax: +91 44 22781362 Email: info@tianode.com Web: www.tiaano.com
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The dosing of chlorine in the form of hypo is always expressed in:

  • PPM (parts per million) or mg/litre chlorine. Both represent exactly the value e.g. 2 PPM = 2 mg/litre chlorine and,
  • Total and residual chlorine, where total chlorine is the dosing at the point of application and residual chlorine is the remaining chlorine level after a certain time period of oxidation

The level of chlorine dosing depends on the client’s needs and will vary according to specific conditions and objectives.
Typical hypo dosing and control methods
  • Pump types: metering (piston or diaphragm), or, centrifugal magnetic drive dosing pumps
  • Quantity of dosing pumps: 1x 100% or 2x 100% hypo (a duty and standby pump)
  • Dosing control: proportional flow or programmable on-line residual Cl2 control
  • Continuous and shock dosing (required for anti-biofouling i.e. in sea water applications)
Shock Dosing
Continuous and shock dosing are usually considered for the effective control of micro and macro-fouling in seawater applications. During continuous dosing, a low chlorine dosing is maintained. It provides protection against the majority of biofouling. Unfortunately macro organisms can become resistant to this low chlorine dosing and require a much higher chlorine dosing. During shock dosing, a much higher chlorine dosing is applied only for a short time and repeated at certain fixed intervals. This will ensure complete protection against all micro and macro-fouling.

Tiaano™ offer a complete range of dosing strategies to ensure optimum anti-biofouling protection at the lowest chlorine usage.

Marine Vessels
Waste Water
Brine Continuous
Brine Batch
Brine Portable
Swimming Pool